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Serving and Located in Shreveport, LA
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Serving and Located in Shreveport, LA

About THE Great Wall 
CHINESE Restaurant

We here at the The Great Wall Chinese Restaurant have taken on quite a responsibility. With the choice of such an immensely imminent name comes the equally tremendous challenge to live up to and pay tribute to the name. 

For centuries, The Great Wall of China has stood as a testimony to the ingenuity and industriousness to the Chinese people. Construction of The Great Wall began during the "Warring States" period of China's history (403-221 B.C.) and ended during the "Sung Dynasty" period (960-1279 A.D.). Stretching between the two cities of Shanhai-Kwan in the east, and Jia-Yu Kawn in the west, The Great Wall has a total length of over 2,500 miles. Untold millions of dedicated patriots slaved mercilessly for the completion of this fortification which meant protection of their homes and fellow countrymen. It is the dedication of these men, our ancestors, which has inspired us to serve you, our guests and and friends, nothing less than the ultimate best. 

Sea  food

Mandarin Art of Cooking

The Mandarin art of cooking originated from the city of Peking in northern China. It's considered to be China's Classic cuisine. The manifold flavor is the chief characteristic of Mandarin food. Dishes are simultaneously sour, sweet, salty, aromatic and hot.

In short, Mandarin cuisine is so unique and colorful that it stands tall in the list of the world's best cuisines.

Visit Great Wall Chinese Restaurant to taste true Mandarin delicacy.
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